Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Compound-Complex Sentences

A compound-complex sentence is made from two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

a. Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with.

  • independent clause: "I haven't had the time to go lately."
  • independent clause: "I haven't found anyone to go with"
  • dependent clause: "although I like to go camping..."

Complex Sentences

A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the elements that would make it complete sentence.

Examples of dependent clauses include the following:

  • because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon
  • while he waited at the train station
  • after they left on the bus
Dependent clauses such as those above cannot stand alone as a sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to form a complex sentence.

Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjunctions:

  • after
  • although
  • as
  • because
  • before
  • even though
  • if
  • since
  • though
  • unless
  • until
  • when
  • whenever
  • whereas
  • wherever
  • while
Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences because a complex sentence indicates clearer and more specific relationships between the main parts of the sentence.

Compound Sentences

A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences)connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the words "FAN BOYS"

  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • S

Examples of compound sentences include the following:
1. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.
2. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station, but they arrived at the station before noon and left on the bus before I arrived.
3. Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I didn't see them at the bus station.
4. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, and they left on the bus before I arrived.

Coordinating conjunctions are useful for connecting sentences, but compound sentences often are overused. While coordinating conjunctions can indicate some type of relationship between the two independent clauses in the sentence, they sometimes do not indicate much of a relationship. The word "and" for example, only adds one independent clause to another, without indicating how the two parts of a sentence are logically related. Too many compound sentences that use "and" can weaken writing.

Senin, 02 Februari 2015


Parallelism refers to using elements in sentences that are grammatically similar or identical in structure, sound, meaning or meter. This techniques adds symmetry, effectiveness and balance to the written piece.

Compare the following examples:

  • Lacking parallelism: She likes cooking, jogging, and to read.
  • Lacking parallelism: He likes to swim and running.
  • Parallel: She likes cooking, jogging and reading.
  • Parallel: She likes to cook, jog, and read.
  • Parallel: He likes to swim and run.
  • Parallel: He likes swimming and running.
In the above example, the first sentence has two gerunds and one infinitive. To make it parallel, the sentence can be written with three gerunds or three infinitives.
  • Lacking parallelism: The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and down the alley he sprinted.
  • Parallel: The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and sprinted down the alley.
The first nonparallel example, while inelegantly worded, is grammatically correct: "cooking", "jogging", and "to read" are all grammatically valid conclusions to "she likes." The second nonparallel example is not grammatically correct: "down the alley he sprinted" is not a grammatically valid conclusion to "the dog".

Argumentation Paragraphs

School Uniform is Important

School uniform are becoming a popular trend among schools. Students and most parents don't agree with enforcement with school uniforms; stating that uniforms take away the right of self-expression. School uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Uniforms limit what the students have to choose to wear to school everyday, but it doesn't limit them from learning. Students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating that puts the students' full focus on schoolwork. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked upon as a positive thing, because they eliminate bullying, combine social classes and gives the school a professional look.

The most common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to self-expression. School uniforms limit what the students have to wear, but he/she can still have their own ways of self-expression. Students can still express their style of choice by the way he/she styles their hair and what accessories they choose to wear. their shoe choice is also a form of self-expression. Just because a student can't wear the clothes that he/she likes to school doesn't mean that his/her rights are taken away. School is a place to learn. It is not a place for fashion show.

Requiring school uniforms eliminate the chance of bullying. Bullies usually pick on kids based on what they wear. What happens when they are wearing the same thing? Everyone will be dressed the same, leaving less room to get picked on. Bullies won't have the need to pick on someone as much as he/she would if uniforms were not required, because everyone would pretty much look the same, including the bullies. When people all look the same, there is really nothing for other kids to make fun of.

Having uniforms in schools also erase the defined line of the social classes. Usually, popular kids in the higher classes would only be wearing the trendiest clothing. The poor, lower social classes would only be wearing the latest and oldest clothing from the nearest market. School uniforms bring the social classes together. Everyone would be wearing the same brand of clothes from the same few stores that sell school uniforms or that they get from their school. Nobody would be able to determine what social class a person is in just by looking at what the other person is wearing. Everyone would all blend together and be at the same level; no upper or lower classes dividing the students.

The schools that require uniforms look more formal and well put together. Meanwhile the schools that don't require uniforms have those few kids who don't care how they wear dress. There are kids walking around with pants sagging to the ground and underwear is showed up. Some kids will even be wearing inappropriate logos on shirts or jackets. That gives the school a bad look and reputation. Schools with uniforms have all the students dressed nicely in the assigned uniforms. The school looks well put together and well maintained. Students who focus only wearing uniforms to school are going to focus more on academics, which leads to improved grades. The school will look wise and academically.

Overall, school uniforms are a great thing to have. Even though this argument whether or not school uniforms violate the students right to self-expression will be never ending. There seems to be more positive outlooks than negative on schools that require school uniforms. The schools that require their students to wear school uniforms have more of a formal look to the school. School uniforms are a positive thing, because they take away bullying opportunities, judging of social class and make the school look more professional.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Interpreting Ideas

1. Idea: "How is your country?"
    Interpretation: "My country is big and clean."

2. Idea: "When will you come?"
    Interpretation: "I will come tomorrow, but my mom will come next week."

3. Idea: "Waiting is a boring activity."
    Interpretation: I agree for she disagree."

Persuasive Essay

Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Everyday?

A lot of people especially the young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don't have time for that, and begin their day without meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose of this essay is to show the importance of breakfast, especially for the students.

The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. when you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it's not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It's very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going to get is stomachache and a lot of problems with your health if you don't eat breakfast.

Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do well in your classes. Your body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble in understanding a lesson. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that's not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you are going to feel tired if you don't have breakfast because you have spent the entire previous night without food.

The last reason to have breakfast everyday is because you can avoid diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don't eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you're going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast everyday.

You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start your day.

Complaint Letter

To the manager of Hans' Vegz and Burgers.

I am writing to bring to your attention a serious issue I had in your establishment last week. I ordered special salad, and halfway through my meal, I bit into what turned out to be a chicken bone.

I am a vegetarian, and the presence of bone in my salad was jarring. I showed the bone to the staff. and he offered to make me a new salad. I did not want to risk eating the same thing again, so I chose to leave your restaurant.

I am a regular customer at your restaurant, and I have never had any problems with your food in the past. while I am relatively certain this was a fluke, I am still concerned about how the bone got into the salad. I would like to know how this might have happened.

I am also concerned with the lack of understanding I received from the staff member who helped me. I don't know if he was working alone or merely misunderstood my request, but he refused to let me speak to his supervisor while I was in the restaurant. I felt he acted very unprofessionally.

I hope to hear back from you about this incident. I can be reached by phone at (555) 367-4598 at any time or by email at


Renee Rose